HYDROMANCY: divination by the appearance or motion of liquids (as water)
How cool is that?!
Selenite Crystal Ball by kuberacove |
As you may know, I experiment with all types of divination,
sometimes even on purpose. I am very successful
with Tarot and Oracle cards of all types, I’ve worked with runes and the
I-Ching, pyromancy (fire) is awesome, ceromancy (candle wax) has worked in the
past, crystal ball gazing is occasionally very eventful and sometimes I just
say things.
Hydromancy is another form
of divination involving the use of water to bring messages and can be done in
many ways.
SilverWater by picsoflive |
In nature one can sit alongside a body of water, relax one’s
mind and gaze into the water. This is
very similar to pyromancy in that everyone experiences it differently. Images may appear or the sound of the water
may become words or messages. Using the
light of a full moon or patterned shade of trees may increase the liminal space
that assists in reaching messages.
Black and Blue Scrying Bowl by NewTribeCrafters |
When inside one can fill a bowl with water, relax the mind
and gaze as above. When choosing a bowl a
simple one may be better than one with a picture or pattern in it. Also consider the color of your scrying bowl as
a completely clear glass bowl may only help you scry your table-top. The water that is used can be from anywhere
but water collected from nature or spring water that has been energized by celestial
light (the moon or the sun) may be easier to use.
I have a fantastic Tibetan Scrying Bowl that is used by
filling the bowl then creating a vibration on the water with the handles. Pictures in the ripples and the sounds of the
vibrations all help to paint a picture and impart information to me.
If you are looking for additional information I suggest
searching up: Martin. A. Del Rio (1551-1608):
a Jesuit expert on magic and the occult who wrote, among other books, Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex
PS: All product images are from amazing etsy.com sellers who have been notified. If you are so inclined, please click through and check out their wares.PPS: Enter to win one handmade item up to $15 in value from a pagan-run small business here.
PPPS: Enter to win one of three sets of witch-crafted original art bookmarks here.
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