Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Stuff Mondays: How to personalize a spell

Samhain Remembrance and Celebration Spells and mini-Altar

 Well... it's Tuesday, but I'm close to on schedule :)

Oh yea, and don't forget the giveaway here!

I'm sure by now you all know I provide spell crafting services.  I always enjoy my custom work more than anything else because I have the chance to work with a client and really delve into the deeper intents of the spell work.  I enjoy adding the details and finishing touches that take a spell from being general to very directed for the individual an their intent.  There are some really easy ways to accomplish this for any candle spell you're crafting or casting, even if you just bought the candle off the shelf in the grocery store.

First things first, make sure you like the color of the candle.  Yes, the spell says green but make sure it's a green that represents something to you.  Make sure the scent is not distracting from your spell as well.  Pine might be really positive for a money spell but do you actually like the scent of key lime?

Psychic Power Knot and Sachet Spell
Second, make the candle yours.  Warm a butter-knife or other edged object under some hot water and carve your personal symbol, your name, your initials, the initials of someone else or something that only have meaning in your head into the wax.  This works for any size of candle, even tea-lights.  Altering the candle helps to imprint your energy and intention into the physical object which may increase the effectiveness of your spell.  You're adding energy and intention.

Third, be specific.  When you write an intention, for instance one your are going to burn, make it specific and personal to you.  Bad Example: Abundance.  Good Examples: More opportunities for work, A new job in my field, A positive review next week, To meet a new client.  Being specific and concise in your wording helps to focus your intention and your energy.

This is just the beginning of the list of tips for spell work.  I would love to hear your tips in the comments!

Home Protection Spell Bottle Kit


  1. I love your tips Kat!!! Thank you for sharing! Being specific is a great tip! All the best ;o)
